Purpose Notebook
Your purpose notebook is any dedicated notebook for this podcast only. Eric likes to use composition notebooks that you can find at any department store for less than a cup of coffee. :) This notebook is for you to journal, process, answer challenges, and keep track of your progress as you discover and attain your purpose. Below we will be recording the challenges from each episode so you don’t have to listen back through all the episodes to complete each challenge. Our desire is that you will gain a ton of value as you listen to our stories, experiences, and lessons while engaging in these challenges. May Jesus bless you as you seek His face in understanding Him, yourself, and His purpose for your life!
Purpose Notebook Challenges
Episode 1
Rick challenged us to take some time and ask God, “When were you clapping for me today?”. After doing this, write in your purpose notebook, what all God brings to mind.
Episode 2
Eric encouraged us to spend 15-30min and ask God how am I doing with loving you with all that I am and loving others as myself. Write down in your purpose notebook all that God brings to mind and take action on any steps He tells you to take. Note: God’s voice does not shame or condemn you, but sounds like a loving Father who is encouraging, correcting, and guiding you to love Him more deeply and love others with more of your heart.
Episode 3
The challenge for this episode is to download the Discover Your Purpose Worksheet and prayerfully work through the 8 clues and develop a draft of your purpose statement.
Episode 4
This episode’s challenge is to download the Dashboard of Your Life Tool and rate yourself from +5 to -5 in the 12 most important areas of your life. Then prayerfully consider what God would have you do for your next growth steps…then take those steps!
Episode 5
This episode’s challenge is to spend 15 minutes and pray to Jesus like a good friend. Share your heart, ask him questions, ask for more good in your life, praise and thank Him for what He has done in your life, and apologize for any sins you have committed. If this is new for you or would like some structure, then you can follow the ACTS format. A - Adoration and praise, C - Confess any sins, T - Thanksgiving for what He’s done, and S - Supplication or requests.
Episode 6
Eric encourages you to think about an area of your life where you want to be successful and spend some time praying and asking God how to implement the 10 elements of success in that area.
Episode 7
The challenge is to step back, take at least 15-30min, and with God prayerfully evaluate which of these 4 aspects of significance (S.E.E.K) you need to focus on and take steps to develop.
Episode 8
The challenge is to list out all the things you are involved in and evaluate which ones need to go to enable margin in your life to love God and love people more. Ask God for help to evaluate that list and what would He have you do today.
Episode 9
Rick challenges us to be intentional about encouragement and before the end of today try to either remember someone’s name, pay someone a compliment, send a thank you card, or reach out to someone on social media and compliment them.
Episode 10
The challenge for this episode is to download the YouVersion Bible App (https://www.youversion.com/), and select and complete a bible reading plan or devotional that interests you. You can select any topic you would like, but just consistently read the Bible to identify, demolish, and prevent strongholds!
Episode 11
To help overcome criticism, we challenge you to download the 100 Identity Truths PDF and read all of them. After that, pick one statement and the accompanying verse to memorize so you can remember who you are when you are battling through criticism.
Episode 12
Read Psalm 16:5-11 and think about the words and God being there with you. Meditate on this verse and picture Him doing everything in the passage. God says over and over again in scripture – I am with you!
Episode 13
Please read Psalm 40:1-3 and meditate and internalize that God hears your cry, will set your feet on a rock, place a new song in your mouth, and you can put your trust in Him even when you don’t understand the tough times you have or are currently experiencing.
Episode 14
Please download the Sample Bible Verses for Meditation PDF file and pick out a verse you want to meditate on. Once you have that verse, find a restful place and position. Take some deep breaths and invite God into your space. Then read and re-read the bible verse and begin thinking and praying about what it is saying for more than 5 minutes. May Jesus meet you in that place and give you peace!
Episode 15
In your purpose notebook, write down the 7 steps to making good decisions and refer to the steps when making your next big decision. We trust these steps will add value to your life!
Episode 16
The challenge for cultivating community is to pray and ask God to help you find or develop your community and the next step you should take to do that. It may mean you must take a risk, but it will be worth it!!
Episode 17
The challenge for simplifying leadership is to read John chapter 10 in the Bible and write down all the ways you see Jesus demonstrating great leadership. Then pray and ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit to become an excellent leader demonstrating the 4 elements of effective leadership: Direction, Teamwork, Encouragement, and Challenge.
Episode 18
The challenge is listening to the Attain Your Purpose Playlist for at least a week during your God time, while driving, exercising, lawn mowing, etc. These songs provide perspective on God, ourselves, and others. Some songs are traditional worship songs, and some are rock, rap, and pop, but all have a great message about God and our purpose. I believe these will encourage, empower, and motivate you to follow God and what He’s calling you to do.
Episode 19
To defeat the enemies of pride, selfishness, and fear, spend about 15 minutes reflecting on how these 3 enemies may hinder you in attaining your purpose. Then spend time with God and ask Him what steps you should take to overcome these enemies. He may ask you to do some of the things Eric and Rick suggested or He may ask you to do something else. Be open to what He leads you to do…you won’t regret it. :)